Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Note

Notes for the book.

She had finally slipped into a deep slumber. This once beautiful, brilliant, sassy smart-assed woman now had the mind of a four-year-old. Her doctor said this was one sleep from which she would never awake.
Estelle set the old bible on the night table, noticed the corner of something sticking out from the back pages.
Inside the envelope was a list, on it the names of girls she and Rebecca had gone to school with decades ago.
Girls who, for whatever reason of spite or jealousy or just plain viciousness, had made Rebecca's life a living hell until she finally left home and began to make her way in the wider world.
A successful high-fashion model, with an in-demand look, white-blonde hair that framed her face perfectly, and a coveted tall slim Nordic goddess build, she had to hire a secretary to keep her bookings in order. At the top of the page were only two words...